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  •  » PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

#61 27-5-2012 15:14:26


Zarażony Dżospą

Skąd: Szczecin
Zarejestrowany: 3-4-2011
Posty: 122
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: nie da rady wybrać jednej;)
Wiek: 24
Imię: Ania

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

W newsie na oficjalnej nie piszą że to BWB, tylko że to ma być finał corocznej serii koncertów organizowanych przez winnicę tego faceta. Przynajmniej ja tak to zrozumiałam... Przy okazji podobało mi się zdanie, że Josha do udziału skłoniła jego "pasja do jedzenia i wina" Dobra motywacja nie jest zła

I've been struck with Grobanitis... and I don't want a cure!



#62 27-5-2012 15:30:16


Pogromczyni Wszelkich Tematów

Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 8-7-2008
Posty: 2797
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: Awake
Wiek: 32 lata
Imię: Marta
Od kiedy słucham Josha: 27.01.2007

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

anne2983 napisał:

Przy okazji podobało mi się zdanie, że Josha do udziału skłoniła jego "pasja do jedzenia i wina" Dobra motywacja nie jest zła

Też się przy tym śmiałam.




#63 23-7-2012 18:30:24


Pogromczyni Wszelkich Tematów

Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 8-7-2008
Posty: 2797
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: Awake
Wiek: 32 lata
Imię: Marta
Od kiedy słucham Josha: 27.01.2007

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

Nie było mnie przez weekend, lecę więc nadrabiać zaległości. Czas na reportaż z koncertu! Nasza niezastąpiona Marie była na miejscu, więc nie mogła na bieżąco zdawać relacji. Na szczęście nie brakuje innych Grobies wyszukujących informacji.

(nie przenoszę w końcu wątku, był to koncert z prawdziwego zdarzenia, więc traktujmy to jak Before We Begin)

Tweety z koncertu:

RobertMondaviWinery: "To paint a picture for @braziliangrobie for the @joshgroban show about to start. Crowd pic. Cooling to high 90s...

MAF11: "Josh, Tariqh, Mark http://desmond.yfrog.com/Himg736/scaled.php?tn=0&server=736&filename=xxmgc.jpg&xsize=640&ysize=640"

Kayla‏@DCGirlKayla: "Such a perfect night for a @joshgroban show. Thank you, @RobertMondavi for supporting live music! https://p.twimg.com/AyYJ3KoCIAAYOMq.jpg"

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "A little closer to @joshgroban on stage at Robert Mondavi Winery in Napa Valley! https://p.twimg.com/AyYOzSvCYAAcrNB.jpg"

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "Josh gives update on Sweeney in response to crowd question. Josh wishes he would have brought him along..."

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "The whole scene w/ @joshgroban tonight! https://p.twimg.com/AyYSqaECQAEmGxj.jpg:large"

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "Josh and the crowd... https://p.twimg.com/AyYTb3aCQAAit3J.jpg

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "Backstage center: @joshgroban at Robert Mondavi Winery's Summer Concert Series. #Grobanites https://p.twimg.com/AyYWrpGCEAElaQT.jpg"

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "@joshgroban plays "Play Me" by Neil Diamond. Second cover of a guy named Neil tonight! https://p.twimg.com/AyYYpRiCUAAFOye.jpg"

@Kaylersx: "So glad to hear that @joshgroban sang Awake for the CO victims tonight at @robertmondavi. -touching moment of the show for sure"

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "@joshgroban now playing "You Raise Me Up" to a full crowd singalong at Robert Mondavi Winery. Crowd loving it!"

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "That's all folks! @joshgroban rocks, entertains a sold out crowd here at the winery!!!"

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "@joshgroban encore! https://p.twimg.com/AyYasOkCQAAzDUB.jpg"

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "Encore starts with "Smile"..."

RobertMondaviWinery‏: "Okay, the @joshgroban show is all over. Thank SO MUCH to all the #Grobanites for making this a blast. Check our FB page for photos Monday."

A teraz wrażenia szczęściarzy będących w centrum wydarzenia:

"Wow what a night. The stars were shining in the Napa sky, the wine was remarkable and Josh out shone them all. He was in perfect voice,relaxed and full of fun. The kind of night every Grobie lives for. An audience of 1,500 individual,but it was a gathering of special friends"

Ralacja naszej kochanej Marie:
"Ah, yes!!! The beginning of this wonderful concert!!! Josh was in incredibly fine voice!! The sound was so clear. Tariqh & Mark played such a fabulous counterpoint to his voice.

Josh seemed so relaxed. So funny!!!

Perfect selections of songs for that venue. Best version ever of Harvest Moon!!! Josh sang it so gently and lightly. Just right for the song. It was great hearing Un Dia Llegara!! That note gave me chills!!! Gira con Me was magnificent!!! Someone requested Awake; which was really nice to hear again.

During a short Q&A someone asked about Josh's favorite musical; which he said was Sweeney Todd and talked about wanting to get a pit bull and name him Sweeney, but instead ended up with a little bear of a dog, Sweeney.

He then sequed(sp?) into the song, Not While I'm Around.

He opened with Changing Colors, then February Song. Later in the show, he brought the couple up on stage. When he started singing Broken Vow, a bug flew into his shirt; which then brought on some great jokes & people yelling for him to take off his shirt. "Magic Josh"

Even though Josh stopped in the middle of the song, Wandering Kind, because he messed up & cursed , it sounded SO good with Tariqh playing guitar, Richard(sound guy) playing Mandolin, Mark playing accordion & Josh playing piano. What a great combination of instruments for that song.

I can't think of anything else right now: so that's my "wandering" report.

One more thing, Josh said that he was going to get his hands dirty at the winery tomorrow. He was going to put a grape in his pocket and frolic in the vines.

Debs said that she thinks the partnership with Robert Mondavi could be a wine that he creates with his name on it. Wouldn't that be great!! So cool and classy! But who knows? "

Haha wino Josh Groban? Zamawiam!!!

"Agree with what the girls said so far...really wonderful night! He was so freaking funny and silly...obviously having a great time out there! His expressions were priceless! The crowd was also really into the humor and it was really funny when so many spontaneously shouted to him to take off the shirt when the bug flew into it! Very touching when he sang Awake and dedicated it to the victims of the Colorado violence. He has now renamed Wandering Kind the "Dammit Song" after he messed up. The camera patrol asked us to only take cell phone pictures, but I took as many "real" pics as I could while hiding my camera behind my long skirt...*shhhhh*. Saw lots of grobie friends, tasted some great wines, and enjoyed pretty much a flawless evening. Chatted with Mark and Tariqh afterwards, but when the security guy said Josh wasn't coming out where we were standing and probably wouldn't be out until much later because of a private party, we decided to scoot on home. Can't wait to find out what this secret collaboration is all about, but Josh seemed very excited about it!"

"I was there. Even saw a photo of myself. We sat way in the back as we had dinner. Photos are wonderful.
Thank you.
Josh's voice was so spectacular that it was unbelievable! Can you picture Josh singing "Starry, starry night"
as the stars came out!! Josh sang so many of my favorites. " Gira"
sung with his mature voice was amazing!
:wub: :wub:
I hope someone wrote down the setlist.
Josh's parents were near us. Talking to some friends.
It was nice to meet new Grobie friends and to see old friends.
An evening to remember!"

"Wow - glad to see so much activity on the boards. I missed the original set of Before We Begin tours and was so upset about it. Last night certainly made up for it. Josh looked great (LOVED the white shirt w/sleeves rolled up + sweaty, curly hair + tight jeans), sounded incredible (videos of Awake & part of Play Me will be uploaded) & had an amazing set list.

Cora (PiscesLikeJosh) tweeted the set list as the show was going, so I want to go back to her timeline to get the full list.

I took got some decent pics & will upload them as soon as I can. There is one in particular that I love. Want to touch it up 1st.

I was thrilled to hear Awake, Harvest Moon & Play Me. Having only been to the STYT & Evening w/JG in LA, it was great to hear him perform some songs that I hadn't heard live before. And he was SO close!! It was absolutely incredible. From now on I'll be a sucker for any show with the "Before We Begin" title.

Oh, and I asked Josh the question about Sweeney. If anyone got his answer on video, I'd love to relive it.

I think the most difficult part of the evening was getting out of the chairs to give him a standing ovation. They were extra low lawn chairs (your butt is about 2" off the ground) so even though there was boundless excitement it often took a few tries to get out of those things!

More stories as I think of them. I'm working on the pics & videos and will post soon.

Thanks to all the Grobies for making this an extra special event. Glad I got to see some I've met before & some new ones. "

Mam także spis wszystkich piosenek, jakie śpiewał Josh:

February Song
Play me
Un Dia Llegra
You Raise Me Up
Broken Vow
Damit song,
Changing Colors
Galileo, Awake
Not While I'm Around
Harvest Moon
Autorka nie pamięta...

No i jeszcze zdjęcia:



Tweety Josha:

"To the fans waiting in 104 degree heat to get a good seat, this show's for you. #napa #Mondavi"

"Thanks to all my amazing patient fans and to @RobertMondavi winery for hosting a fantastic night...excited about our partnership. SLEEP!"

"The aftermath of the party/concert last night at @RobertMondavi. This was just from my dressing room. I think.  https://p.twimg.com/AybRLIyCMAAey_P.jpg"

Filmików jeszcze nie ma a przynajmniej żadnego nie znalazłam.

Ufffffff, to by było na tyle. Enjoy.




#64 23-7-2012 19:24:15


Zarażony Dżospą

Skąd: Szczecin
Zarejestrowany: 3-4-2011
Posty: 122
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: nie da rady wybrać jednej;)
Wiek: 24
Imię: Ania

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

Ależ ja zazdroszczę tym którzy mieli to szczęście być na widowni! Josh pod gwiazdami, z owadem pod koszulą i tak blisko publiczności... cudowny koncert Mam nadzieję na jakieś filmiki, zwłaszcza ciekawa jestem nowej wersji Harvest Moon i Damit song

I've been struck with Grobanitis... and I don't want a cure!



#65 23-7-2012 20:00:58


Pogromczyni Wszelkich Tematów

Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 8-7-2008
Posty: 2797
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: Awake
Wiek: 32 lata
Imię: Marta
Od kiedy słucham Josha: 27.01.2007

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

Dokładnie, też czekam szczególnie na te dwie piosenki.




#66 24-7-2012 15:45:50


Zarażony Dżospą

Skąd: Szczecin
Zarejestrowany: 3-4-2011
Posty: 122
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: nie da rady wybrać jednej;)
Wiek: 24
Imię: Ania

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

No i jest początek Harvest Moon, niestety potem kazano nagrywającej Grobanitce schować aparat Ale i tak to co zdążyła nagrać jest cudowne!! (brakuje mi buźki z serduszkami w oczach )


I've been struck with Grobanitis... and I don't want a cure!



#67 24-7-2012 17:07:59


Pogromczyni Wszelkich Tematów

Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 8-7-2008
Posty: 2797
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: Awake
Wiek: 32 lata
Imię: Marta
Od kiedy słucham Josha: 27.01.2007

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

Co za jakość! Jestem zachwycona.




#68 27-7-2012 20:47:23


Zarażony Dżospą

Skąd: Szczecin
Zarejestrowany: 3-4-2011
Posty: 122
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: nie da rady wybrać jednej;)
Wiek: 24
Imię: Ania

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

I od tej samej osoby Awake


I've been struck with Grobanitis... and I don't want a cure!



#69 29-7-2012 18:25:35


Pogromczyni Wszelkich Tematów

Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 8-7-2008
Posty: 2797
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: Awake
Wiek: 32 lata
Imię: Marta
Od kiedy słucham Josha: 27.01.2007

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

No i mamy całą wersję Harvest Moon!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io7wBJ7Y … re=g-all-u

A przy okazji możemy też usłyszeć Not While I'm Around, kolejną z tych piosenek, których nie słyszymy często.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz-9bhS4 … re=g-all-u




#70 30-7-2012 13:15:10


Zarażony Dżospą

Skąd: Szczecin
Zarejestrowany: 3-4-2011
Posty: 122
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: nie da rady wybrać jednej;)
Wiek: 24
Imię: Ania

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

Strasznie się cieszę z tego Harvest Moon!

Pojawiło się też piękne Gira Con Me


I've been struck with Grobanitis... and I don't want a cure!



#71 30-7-2012 21:16:53


Pogromczyni Wszelkich Tematów

Skąd: Warszawa
Zarejestrowany: 8-7-2008
Posty: 2797
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: Awake
Wiek: 32 lata
Imię: Marta
Od kiedy słucham Josha: 27.01.2007

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

Średnio mi się podoba to wykonanie... Głos zbyt gardłowy. Choć poprawiło się od 3:27 (mogę przyznać, że ten moment mi się bardzo podobał!). Słychać tę głębię.

Bywało lepiej. Choćby tutaj http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS3xp6Kh2C8 Już nie mówię o tempie bo teraz było szybsze. To mi nie przeszkadza. Chodzi mi o tę głębię! O te ciary, których nie mam przy słuchaniu tej nowszej wersji. Okej zgadzam się, przy tej starszej wersji Josh był bardzo zestresowany (w niektórych momentach było słychać) i ta kwestia zmieniła się na korzyść Josha. Ale... Josh za wszelką cenę chce iść w stronę pop i zapomina o swoich warsztatach muzycznych. A niewątpliwie te zdolności ciągle w nim drzemią co słyszymy od tej 3:27. Wystarczy chcieć.




#72 6-8-2012 07:56:21



Skąd: Ozorków
Zarejestrowany: 6-7-2009
Posty: 316
Ulubiona piosenka Josha: Alejate
Imię: Lidia
Od kiedy słucham Josha: Mam wrażenie, że od zawsze :)

Re: PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

co za zdjęcia!! co za wykonania!! kocham Gira con me w każdym Joshowym wydaniu od pierwszego usłyszenia i obawiam się, że kochać nie przestanę
to jeszcze Smile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESmIrNXN … plpp_video
Play me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbJzCfht … plpp_video
Changing colors: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9sN3xHT … plpp_video  z różyczką

Czas to nie dro­ga szyb­kiego ruchu po­między kołyską a gro­bem, czas - to miej­sce na za­par­ko­wanie pod słońcem..


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  •  » PRE-TOUR, czyli kameralne Living Room'y; Before We Begin 2011/2012

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